Often, as it has been my personal experience, having acces to a gender-neutral bathrooms is vital. There is not only a level of safety concern with transgender teens, but also a certain level of comfort for those who might also be using the facilities at the time. Not everyone is going to understand why someone who looks like a young man is in the women's restroom. Likewise, not everyone that appears to be transgendered is; there are more androgynous persons [like myself] who also fear public restrooms. There is a campaign dedicated to locating and informing citizens of gender-neutral bathrooms around the world. This website is a vital resource for transgender teens and adults as well as androgynous males or females. It can also serve as the perfect source for a mother with a son who is not comfortable taking him into the women's restroom, or a father with a daughter that refuses to use the men's restroom. There are endless possibilities to providing gender-neutral restrooms to the public.
It isn't just about safety, although this is my greatest concern, it is about the well-being of all persons. Like Kyle, there are thousands of teens who live in constant fear at school of doing something that is completely natural. To find gender-neutral restrooms near you or where you may be traveling, see the website listed below. You may also read the full story about Kyle's press for equality by clicking here.
Gender-neutral bathrooms in your neighborhood.
"Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody." -Billie Jean King
So wonderfully stated, Mary. This is one of the 'invisible' issues that most people would never consider without it being pointed out.